What Should You Know About The Benefits of Sleep?

benefits of sleep

What should you know about the benefits of sleep?. Sleep has many benefits to maintaining yout health. There is no one person who is able to maintain good health without enough sleep. Now, what do you rethinking about sleep?.
Maybe you are one of those people who are busy with your work so sleep time is less. As we know, lack of sleep can cause health problems. How do you cope with sleep deprivation on work days so that the risk of health problems?

According to health experts, good sleep time is 7 to 8 hours per day. But we cannot deny that it was difficult to be able to follow the recommendation. Job factors, stress, busy playing the game until forgetting time is one of the causes of sleep deprivation.
Of course this habit encourages a person to experience physical health problems. There are several health problems that we don't even realize. Here are some health problems that are a negative impact due to sleep deprivation:
1. Disruption of the ability of blood to absorb oxygen.
We can see in some people who lack sleep like a pale face and often sleepy yawning. That's because blood can't absorb oxygen perfectly. Of course, if this is sustainable it will cause illness.
2. Not able to control emotions
People who lack sleep will have difficulty controlling emotions. They will be more sensitive to their feelings than logic. Naturally, the brain requires oxygen supply in the blood and when the blood is absorbed by oxygen absorption, the supply of oxygen to the brain will be disrupted. This disorder causes instability in mastering emotions.
It could be that people who are fast asleep will get angry faster or may also be sensitive or easily irritable. It's quite risky too if we lack sleep.
3. Disorders of digestive metabolism.

Lack of appetite is a major characteristic of digestive disorders. We can feel for ourselves if we lack sleep, we want to eat, there are also lemes.
If this is sustainable then just get ready for disease in the digestive system such as typhus or ulcer.
3. Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
The lack of sleep usually has a faster heart rate than adequate sleep. Naturally this happens because our heart is pumping blood and channeling all of the body. Heart rate will be faster and this is not good for heart health.
If we are indeed difficult to fulfill a good sleep time, it can be tricked by increasing sleep time or even time off. Recently, there are studies that have been published in the Journal of Sleep Reseach that the negative effects due to lack of sleep can be overcome by adding sleep hours to diweeken or time off.
"It seems that short sleep time on a work day can be forgiven with compensation for adding to bedtime at the end of the week" said leading study author Torbjorn Akerstedt, Karolinska Institute Psychology Professor (I quoted from online health media).
Although it feels realistic, but still less convincing, yes, less sleep can be compensated on weekends. Body health is not mathematics which can be added or reduced. Because compensation prolongs or increases sleep time, such as a delay after the body's cells experience interference from the negative effects of lack of sleep.
Actually what is the benefit of sleep for your health?
Sleep is not just a routine that needs to be lived. Moreover, sleep has health benefits such as:
1. Skin looks fresh.
Adequate sleep time will have a positive impact on skin health. As we know, one of the functions of sleep is to regenerate body cells.
2. Avoid the risk of heart disease.
Even though it's not the only way to avoid getting heart disease, it's still time to sleep that has a positive impact on heart health.
3. Mood remains stable.
A stable mood is needed to stay focused on the job. Of course, to get a stable mood must be fulfilled during sleep. And there are many other benefits of sleep.
It turns out that sleep is not trivial, there are many benefits to the impact on body health. Keep in mind, this paper is not just scientific writings only popular knowledge. If you want to deepen the health of sleep, you can look for reference books. Hopefully this article helps recall the role of sleep for health.
Another time before now, there are many changes in the way we view things like sleep. In the past, sleeping was limited to sleeping like a normal routine. Now, many studies have shown the role of sleep for body health. Here are 11 benefits of sleep for the health of the human body.
1. Maintain a mood
It seems we don't realize that sleep has a role in maintaining mood.
For those who lack sleep, the mood will be quickly disrupted and this causes rapid changes in their mood, the term children are now called baper.
Well, if you don't want to say that you are a child, you have to risk enough time to sleep.
The fact that people who lack sleep will be more sensitive to those around them.
2. Maintain weight.
Adequacy of sleep gives a positive impact on ideal body weight.
For those who lack sleep will lose their appetite. And that is certainly detrimental to the ideal body weight.
3. Concentration
Adequacy of sleep will maintain one's concentration. It's good for a person to stay focused on the routines. Will be different from the lack of sleep will easily lose concentration.
4. Health of the cardiovascular system.
We ourselves can feel that if you lack sleep, your heart rate will work faster. It's a fact that sleep provides important benefits for the cardiovascular system.
5. Digestive metabolic system
As we can feel for ourselves, if lack of sleep will lose appetite. And if it's sustainable it is not impossible that there will be a disturbance in the intestines that causes typhus or even ulcers.
6. Improve memory
Sleep is not just sleepy and closed your eyes. More than that there is work on our memory system. Adequate sleep will make our memory or memory much stronger than those who lack sleep. This is good for strengthening physical or mental training. If you are practicing driving a car or motorbike it will be good to finish training immediately to sleep. Because the activity will be recorded in our memory. Of course this will help speed up the training process.
7. Have a chance to live longer
There are many studies that show that enough sleep time will have the opportunity to live longer. Understandable because in sleep, the cells in the body will regenerate.
8. Skin looks fresh
The fact shows that people who lack sleep will look more pale in their skin. This is because blood does not get enough oxygen supply.
9. Become a Champion
Especially for athletes, enough sleep will help increase stamina. This is good for athletes who want to achieve the highest performance.
10. Increase creativity
Before going to bed take a pen and start drawing it will be effective enough to increase creativity. This is in line with increasing concentration and strengthening memory.
11. Improve academic achievement
This is understandable because the adequacy of sleep will help improve concentration, memory and creativity. So for students, don't stay up late.
This article aims to be knowledge and motivation to start a healthy life. Go healthy family.


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