Bodyweight Exercise To Burn Fat

Bodyweight exercise to burn fat is so simple. You do not need a large place that you need is a bodyweight exercise technique.
Bodyweight exercise is exercise using your own body weight for fitness purposes.  Bodyweight exercise can improve biomotor abilities including speed, endurance, flexibility, coordination and balance.
Sometimes you also need equipment in bodyweight exercise.  It's just that you are quite improvised by using existing equipment around.
Here are bodyweight exercise to burn fat very simple :
1. Squat
Squat is the essence of weight training.  Simple movements and does not require equipment.  Squat places more emphasis on knee strength.  Even so, the goals to be achieved in weight training will be easily achieved.
To do squat starts with stretching your legs, about the size of a shoulder.  After that, you lower your body so that it's straight between your buttocks and knees.  Keep your back straight, down until your thighs are parallel to the floor.  Perform repeated squats up to 15 to 20 times.
2. Push Up
Push up movements rely on the strength of the hand.  It would be very difficult to do if not trained.  Push up is enough to train your hand strength by relying on body weight.
3. Deadlift
Deadlift is bodyweight exercise that uses equipment.  No need to use a barbell, the most important thing is equipment that has a weight.
The deadlift movement starts with squatting and lifting equipment that has been prepared until it stands upright.
4. Lunges

The purpose of the lunges movement is to train the thigh and buttocks muscles.
Your footrest should aim at a 90 degree angle, while your back knee is almost touching the ground.
Then, repeat the motion for the left and right legs 10-12 times.
5. Mountain Climbers

The movement of mountain climbers puts more emphasis on your stomach and thighs.  This exercise also increases your heart rate.
Place both palms on the floor.  Likewise the tip of the foot rests on the floor.
When in that position, lift one leg in an upward pushing position, then pull your knees to your chest or elbows.  Do this movement repeatedly until you can not do it again.

Now that you know the method of weight training, you can now determine the training goals.  The most important thing is weight training can be done anywhere, whether using equipment or not.


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