9 Benefits Of Sweet Potatoes For Health

If we explore, there are many foods around us that have health benefits. One of them is sweet potato.
Besides having a delicious taste, sweet potatoes are known to have many health benefits.

Antioxidants in sweet potatoes are able to ward off free radicals that interfere with body health.
Free radicals are unstable molecules that damage DNA and trigger inflammation.
Here are the benefits of sweet potatoes for body health:

1. Has cancer fighting properties

Sweet potatoes have a variety of antioxidants that can help protect the body from cancer.
In purple sweet potato found anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are a group of antioxidants that slow the growth of certain cancer cells, such as bladder, breast, stomach and colon.

2. Eye health

Sweet potatoes contain beta-carotene, an antioxidant that is responsible for the orange color of vegetables.
A fact shows that 200 grams of orange sweet potato plus skin provides more than seven times the beta-carotene needed by the average adult.
Beta-carotene in the body will be converted into Vitamins A and used to form light-detecting receptors in the eye.

3. Boost the immune system

The content of Vitamins A and E in sweet potatoes helps boost the immune system so that it can help boost immunity against disease.
It is also known that sweet potatoes are high in Vitamins C. Vitamins C is an antioxidant that helps boost the immune system.

4. Improve the digestive system

The fiber content in sweet potatoes helps improve the body's digestive system. In addition, fiber can reduce the risk of colon cancer so that it can prevent digestive tract disorders.

5. Control blood sugar

In a study showed that there was a decrease in blood sugar resistance to insulin in people with diabetes.
In addition, sweet potatoes have a low glycemic index. That means that the speed of becoming blood sugar is not too high.

6. Control blood pressure

Sweet potatoes have a high potassium content. That way, it will help in controlling blood pressure.
Avoid foods that contain high sodium because it will increase blood pressure.

7. Improve brain function

There has been no human research on the benefits of anthocyanins in purple sweet potatoes.
It's just that studies in mice have found that the anthocyanins in purple sweet potatoes can reduce the risk of inflammation and damage to the brain due to free radicals.
Thus, it is possible that the anthocyanins in purple sweet potatoes will also be useful for protecting human brain function.

8. Sweet potatoes contain antimicrobial properties

Several studies have found that ethanol and acetone extracts of sweet potato leaves have antimicrobial properties against bacteria that cause pneumonia and typhus.
In essence, sweet potatoes and their extracts have antimicrobial properties that can be used for the prevention and treatment of various bacterial pathogens and infections.

9. Increase fertility

Sweet potatoes are high in iron. Iron is a mineral that is important in increasing female fertility.
Research has shown that iron intake has an important role in helping to reverse secondary fertility, as well as reducing the chances of women suffering from ovulatory infertility.


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