Good Calorie Vs Bad Calorie

Food and drink are sources of calories. While the calorie is a unit of energy.
Of course, we need energy to survive.
It's just that, a question will arise "what happens if we have excess or lack of calories?
It's no exaggeration to start worrying about excess or lack of calories. Then, we start counting the number of daily calories to keep our bodies healthy.
In fact, we are not athletes or professionals who are on a diet program for a specific purpose. We are just doing our daily activities.
Even so, we need to realize that health is important.
It is easy that disease comes from the food and drink consumed every day.
That means we can not be separated from the benefits of calories contained in food.
Alright, let's identify the good and bad calories.

Good Calories

Good calories come from fresh foods, healthy fats, lean protein and quality supplements. They are not always low in calories. Sometimes,
they even come from high-calorie, high-fat foods.
Bad calories usually come from processed foods, frozen foods, unhealthy fats, sugary sodas, refined flours and low-quality supplements. Therefore they do not fuel your body in any way. They offer almost no nutrition.

Source of Good Calories

Foodstuffs such as whole grains, legumes, lean proteins such as fish, meat and
poultry, fruits, vegetables, milk, yogurt and cheese, nuts and eggs. It provides you with six essential nutrients: vitamins, minerals, protein, fat, water and carbohydrates that perform various functions in our body keeping you physically and mentally healthy and away from many diseases.

Source of Bad Calories

They are usually found in high-sugar foods, processed foods, foods
with trans fats, fast food, soda, etc. Now that you know which food category is
offer nutritional value, you should be able to choose calories wisely. This matter
it is important to know that your body will not process energy from bad calories
in the same way as if you eat whole foods that give your good body
Apart from not providing any nutritional value, foods that provide you with poor calorie intake cause many problems in the long term such as an increased risk of headaches, depression, acne, dental problems, heart disease, higher cholesterol and blood pressure, weight gain. , bloating etc.


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