5 Herbal Plants For Skin Care

Herbal tea

When you feel expensive for skin care, I will give a solution. Yes, herbal plants.

Herbal plants are all types of plants that contain active ingredients or substances that are useful for treatment. Herbs are sometimes referred to as medicinal plants, so that they are included as an alternative form of treatment.
Today, tea tree oil is a popular herbal plant for skin care. Maybe, you also use detox tea for glowing skin.
Actually, there are many herbal plants that you often use in the kitchen. Only you do not realize it.
Here are 5 herbal plants for skin care that you often find:
1. Cucumber

Cucumber is known to contain high vitamin E. Therefore, cucumber is an herbal plant that is often used for skin care ingredients.
Here are the benefits of cucumber:
- Improve facial skin color
- Removes black spots and blemishes on the face
- Shrink pores
- Helps reduce oil on the face - Rejuvenate the skin
- Able to treat sensitive faces - As an anti-aging
- Overcoming dry skin

2. Turmeric
Turmeric is often used as a mask for facial care. In addition, turmeric has other benefits for skin care.
Here are the benefits of turmeric for skin care:
- Disguise acne scars
- Brighten the skin
- Reduce wrinkles on the face
- Overcoming skin hyperpigmentation
3. rosemary
This herb is effective in helping protect collagen in the skin and can also soften and soften the skin.
Rosemary is a type of spice that is often used as a spice to process food.
4. Sage
Sage leaves, an herbal plant that also has anti-aging properties.  The content in sage leaves can make the skin look younger.  The antioxidant properties found in sage leaves can prevent free radicals on the skin.
5. Tea Tree Oil
Here are the benefits of tea tree oil :
- Treat acne
- Whiten the skin
- Strengthen nails
- Overcome skin fungus
There are many herbs that are easily found around us.  Maybe, we only have a little time to find out about herbs that are beneficial for health.


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